Terms & Conditions
Yanga Talent, S.A. de C.V., with a legal address in Ignacio Esteva N° 50-B, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11850, México, D.F, processes its customers’ personal data with the utmost respect and in full compliance with the provisions of the Mexican national regulations on privacy with the finality of: identification, internal statistics and analysis; for the management of professional or specialized services, provide references; the execution of any administrative process or registration that may need to be done in any government office; new product placement; participation in commercial or marketing activities; invitations to educational, sporting, social or cultural events; customer service; publicity; invitation to market surveys; realization of contracts or trade agreements; fulfill contractual obligations referring to this agreement and the timely publishing of changes to this notification. If you want to see the full PRIVACY POLICY you can ask for it by e-mail at: legal@thelift.mx or at the legal address mentioned at the beginning of this notice.